Koh the Face Stealer

Here is another short one. In this, I used a unique Ozarkian instrument known as the Mouth Bow. Typically, you play it's one string with your mouth (like a jew's harp) and a guitar pick. I broke the rules and wanted to hear what it would sound like if I played it with a violin bow -- I got some freaky results!

Koh the Face Stealer by patjacobsmusic

A prize goes to who can guess where the name came from. Oh, and don't google it...I will know if you did...

It is complete!

Well, after many many hours of hard work, I have finally brain-birthed this crazy idea into reality. Behold! My new PVC Instrument...thing. Yeah, I still haven't named it yet, but I welcome any suggestions. I had many requests from people to hear what it sounds like, so I posted a video of me playing all the notes from the bottom up:

Yes, there are still a few things to do: pretty it up, fine-tune some of the notes, make a cart (yeah, puting wheels on it wasn't going to work), and make some paddles to hit the pipes with. Overall, I am very excited and ready to start playing it!


I will be doing my first performance on this thing on May 8th at Artsfest in Springfield. Time still yet to be determined.

Quantum Leap

I have had my eye on the great things EastWest has been doing, and I finally saved up and got a whole collection of their finest sample libraries. The quality of these sounds are blowing my mind and it's very easy to use. My new collections are:

EWQL Symphonic Orchestra -- Strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Big win.

EWQL Symphonic Choirs -- An assortment of human voice choirs with a word builder (I can get them to say whatever I please, which will conjure up many hilarious ideas)

EWQL Pianos -- High quality piano samples.

EWQL Stormdrum 2 Pro -- Amazing percussion library (huge boomage)

EWQL Gypsy -- An assortment of gypsy-style musical instruments.

EWQL Ministry of Rock -- Guitars, basses and drums.

EWQL RA -- A bunch of rare world instruments.

These libraries will definitely be taking my music to the next level (level 2-1 to be precise). Since I am on spring break, I will be spending probably too much time playing around with them. Expect some new demos this week!

Problema risolto

Might as well start putting some music on here, ay? This is a short demo I made a couple months back. I wrote this in one afternoon after solving an uninteresting and insignificant dilemma I was having that day. I don't remember what that dilemma was, but the song tells us that I vanquished it. Win!

Problema risolto by patjacobsmusic

Note: the title is Italian for "Problem Solved". This is dedicated to my friend Craig who taught me how to speak Italian correctly.

Project Code Name: "Coughing Walrus"

This has been a little project I've been working on the past couple months. It is a 25-note musical instrument made entirely of PVC pipe (and a slab-o-particle board). Above is the progress I've been making with it and the bottom picture is where it's at now. I've gone through Phases (that's what I call them to make it feel more important) of development.

Phase I: Make the board with holes in it.
Phase II: Put some legs on that board.
Phase III: Cut, tune, place, and glue all 25 different notes.
Phase IV: Suspend the pipes to the board and then take a nap.
Phase V: Put wheels on the whole thing.
Phase VI: ???
Phase VII: Play it!

I am in the end of Phase III now with only 5 more notes to go! When I am finished you'll see a lot of me playing it in the Springfield, MO area.

More updates to come!

The Start of Something Big

Welcome to my new blog! This is just the start of me finally putting myself out into the world as a music composer and performer. I live and breathe music, and composing has always run through my veins (at a tempo of 75 bpm).

I hope to make a serious career out of making music for games, businesses, movies, performing groups, and other media. This is the year I walk through that door -- and I plan on kicking that door down and screaming my mightiest of mighty war cries (I have still yet to figure out my war cry). I know full well I will run into many obstacles, things will not go my way, or the princess will be in another castle. I must persevere and know this: the princess is probably in the next castle... or, the one after that...

I plan on posting music, updates on projects, composition/performance gigs, or just ramble on about crap that is on my mind. As a fresh freelance composer, I ask for your support and welcome you to check out my blog weekly.

Publicity projects in the works: the Pat Jacobs Music website, Facebook page, YouTube channel, registering Pat Jacobs Music as a business (like, a real business!). Tell your frends! More to come!